If you like competitions this page is for you. Entry to all listed competitions is FREE. You will need to complete a simple registration form once only to get your entry password. Choose a competition from the list and GOOD LUCK!

      On-going competitions

      Win a free service for your car, x2 per month drawn

      Win £20 worth of birthday gifts, x15 per month drawn

      Win an accident kit for your car, x2 per month drawn

      Ends Dec 2004

      Win an Alpine car audio system, Ends 31/12/2004

      Win a private registration plate, Ends 31/12/2004

      Ends Jan 2005

      Win a very stylish Mini Cooper, Ends 31/1/2005

      Ends Feb 2005

      Win a magazine subscription for a year, Ends 28/02/2005

      Win the book – Selling houses, Ends 28/02/2005

      Win a DVD player plus 50 top DVD’s, Ends 28/02/2005

      Win a fantastic mini cruise to Spain for 2 – 4 people, Ends 28/02/2005

      Win a travel guide for a country or city of your choice, Ends 28/02/2005

      Ends May 2005

      Win an aromatherapy essential oil set, Ends 28/05/2005



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