Warmley C of E School log extracts 1865 - 1867

Conversion from hard copy record by Ian Cuming of Oldland.

1865 School log extracts:

May 23rd. The Lansdown Races are being held today. Several of the children are gone.
May 24th. I find three boys are truanting, they are gone to the Races.
May 25th. Punished the boys who were truanting yesterday and Tuesday.
May 30th. I find we have lost two or three boys lately, through their being sent out to work.
June 1st. I find several of the girls are kept at home, to help in the house, for Whitsuntide.
June 2nd. Broke up for the Whitsuntide holidays.
June 15th. I took the fourth class into the playground for a lesson this afternoon as the heat was so oppressive.
June 15th. Several of the boys kept at home this week, haymaking.
June 21st. Unable to attend to my duties today on account of having a swollen face.
June 22nd. ditto
June 23rd. ditto.
July 12th. Have been obliged to send a note to Jarrett's mother on account of his continually coming late.
July 18th. The following report was received this morning:-

"The examination has resulted very favourably for a school that has been in existence only a few months. Many of' the children in the first standard, who knew very little on their admittance, will require attention, especially in reading, and girls and boys alike in every class should be taught to speak and read loudly and distinctly. In other subjects attainments are satisfactory. The writing is good, the reading tolerably accurate, though as yet without much expression and the failures in arithmetic have been very few. In Scripture first and second classes showed a want of intelligence and a hesitation in answering which there is reason to believe is not usual with them. The school buildings are excellent and the school promises gradually to improve under its present teacher."

T. H. Howard.
For the School Managers.

Sept. 5th. Mrs Howard kindly sent a quantity of pears to be given to the children.
Sept. 14th. I find the children are being kept at home to pick up potatoes.
Oct. 6th. Scull has come today; he has been kept at home to dig potatoes. He says he does not wish to continue as monitor any longer.
Oct. 31st. End of the quarter. This evening the children who sing in church partook of tea in the schoolroom. The tea was provided by the kindness of  Mr. Howard, who, after it was over, addressed those present and the remainder of the evening was spent in practising singing.
Nov. 14th. A Catechism lesson was given by Mr. Howard.
Nov. 15th. The children of the first division were examined on the.
Book of Genesis by Mr. Howard.
Nov. 16th. Punished two boys for truanting.

1866 School log extracts:

March. 21st. Today being the day of Humiliation on account of the Cattle Plague, the elder children have attended Divine Service this afternoon.
March. 28th Have had some trouble with the children who stay in to dinner, as some of the dinners have been taken by other children. I have tried to find out the thief but have not yet succeeded. We have been in the habit of putting the dinners in the Lobby but intend for the future to lock them in the bookcase.
June 20th. I find Scull has been guilty of gross misconduct today I shall not allow him to continue as monitor any longer.
Nov. 5th. A poor attendance this afternoon on account of a treat at the British School. I have now determined to fine the monitors for being late as I find telling is of no use. E. Pincombe fined this morning. The children came very late to school so I intend commencing at half past nine instead of nine, these dark mornings.
Dec. 20th. We broke up today for the usual Christmas holiday. I this day resigned my duties as mistress of this school. E. Greenville.

1867 School log extracts:

Jan 7th. Edwin Lambert takes over as Master. No lady teacher – Eliz Chambers.
Jan. 11th. Schoolwork and conduct of the children throughout this day very fair. Have not had occasion to use corporal punishment at all this week.
Jan. 14th. The children were much more noisy than any day last week. The weather is extremely cold and consequently they frequently asked leave to go to the fire for a warm.
Jan. 15th. The weather is very severe and the children have felt the cold very much, consequently they were restless and consequently asking to go to the fire - I allow them to do so a few at a time but I find it causes confusion which cannot well be avoided.
Jan. 16th. Had occasion to speak reprovingly to Emma Pincombe and Eliz. Britton for not coming to school in time. (i.e. (Monitors).
Feb. 8th. Walter Smith loitering from the school the whole week. His father found him idling about and brought him to school about 3:30 in the afternoon and asked me to punish him well and keep him in school till 6 o'clock.
March. 4th. Eliz. Britton left school to go into service.
May 3rd. Today the school had a half-holiday to go into the fields cowslipping.
May 21st. Samuel Chambers behaved very badly in the school: it is useless to speak to him; there is a daring impudence in his manner which is most offensive.
May 22nd. Today I have requested the parents of Samuel Chambers to keep him at home, to avoid the necessity for my dismissing him from school; his conduct in the morning was defiant and unbearable.
June 4th. Mrs. B. Crown Pit, came to complain of her children being punished. I explained that it was for improper conduct in the school, but she had an idea that it was to satisfy ill feeling on the part of the teacher towards her children, and was very impertinent about it.
June 5th. I was obliged to dismiss Samuel Jones and James Humphries from the school today. Their conduct has all along bee most improper but in the dinner hour today they were both guilty of such gross misconduct that for the sake of the other children I could no longer permit them to remain in the school. Sent a note to each of their parents.
June 18th. Today Samuel Chambers again came to school; but as Mr. Howard (the Vicar) was from home, I felt it was proper he should not remain and directed him to come tomorrow and be publicly re-admitted by Mr. H. on promise of amendment of conduct.
June 19th. The boy Chambers did not make his appearance.
June 20th. Cautioned the c1ildren who go along Church Lane against climbing the hedges against Mr. Howard's house.
July 10th. Today the Master, suffering from an attack of neuralgia, was obliged to leave' the school entirely in charge of the Mistress and teachers.
July 11th. Master unable to attend school at all today.
July 12th. Master being somewhat better was able to be in school all day.
July l3th. (sic) Today a young married man, named William Spicer, who had met with a very serious accident in a coal mine, which would for ever prevent his returning to his former employment, came to school with a view to render himself capable of undertaking some light employment, in which a knowledge of Writing, Arithmetic and Spelling would be necessary. He will take his place in the first class as an ordinary scholar.
Nov. 4th. In the evening opened a night school for men and boys above 12 years of age and for women and girls of the same age. There were 31 males and 9 females present. Charge 1d per week for two nights, Mondays and Thursdays. (This attendance did not seem to last. Several entries record only 5, 9, and 3 present at night school.)

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Warmley C of E School circa 1907


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