Events / Activities (FREE promotion for local providers)
If you are organising an event,
fete, concert, car boot sale, quiz night or any
other sort of entertainment / activity in the LOCAL area, you
can get some FREE promotion for it here. Submit
details here
would be grateful if, in return, you mention this
site on your leaflets, tickets and programmes etc.
your help to promote this site would be appreciated.
Kingswood Heritage Museum Events throughout the year! For more information visit
Barrs Court Pub Quiz
Event A fun general knowledge quiz held in The Barrs Court Pub every
Sunday evening @ 8.30pm. Everyone welcome! Bottle of wine for each winning round. £20 food & drink voucher for overall winner and a min £75 snowball jackpot. Location
map More info from Carrie Hale email: info@central-chambers.co.uk
Slimming World Group St Annes Church Hall
(On the bend by the Cherry Tree Pub Olldland Common) Meetings every Tuesday at 6.30pm.
Once a month, we hold a Taster Night. Meetings
also at the California Suite, Longwell
Green Community Centre, Tuesdays at 9.30am. If you want to join us, why not give me a ring. Sara Cumming on 0117 9328562 or
Zenshin dojo Karate Club The Grange School Warmley, Sat AM's 10:30m - 12.30pm More info from Rob
Jones on 0117 9566752 visit
website enquiries@zenshindojo.com
The Great Western Chorus Every Wednesday at 7.15pm at The Grange School
Warmley Bristol's leading male voice close harmony group
is now meeting at The Grange School each Wednesday
evening at 7.15 pm. Visitors are very welcome. For details contact Kevin Willis on 0845 838
0683 or kevin.willis@singbristol.com
Warmley Jazz Club Every Wednesday at The Midland Spinner London
Road Warmley BS30 5JB visit
Fingers & Frets Club A Club for all those
interested in musical instruments like the Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar etc. Clock Tower Building
Tower Road North Warmley. Meetings: Monday 8-10pm
Call 0117 9676428 email: johnrthopes@blueyonder.co.uk
FOR LEAGUE Location: Longwell Green, Bristol Time:
Wednesdays at 7.45pm Cost: Approx £10 per week All
ages, male or female, all levels of experience welcome Contact
Paul on 07717580334 Email: iwanttobowl@blueyonder.co.uk
H@RE OUT OF SCHOOL CLUB Ofsted registered
to provide childcare for primary aged children during school
holidays in a safe, friendly environment. Very reasonable
daily rate, games, craft, entertainers, toys, trips
and much more. Based at Redfied Edge Primary
School. Call Liz on 07748150104 or email liz.cad@btinternet.com
details of a LOCAL
event / activity here:

We offer a FREE
promotion on this site to any LOCAL event or entertainment.
Note: normally
events in the areas shown on our entry
page are considered.
Inclusion is FREE but subject to
our approval. If approved, your event should appear
within 72 hours of submission.
information will be removed ASAP after the date
given on the form..
events can remain in place, please advise if this
is required.
Thank you for submitting your event.