Popular World Travel Books

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Travelling with a world of difference
Terry puts a unique and idiosyncratic perspective on his journeys
around the globe. Whether it be over-landing from Nairobi to Cape Town, backpacking
through South-East Asia, with a Government Guide in North Korea,
or a trek in the Annapurnas.
He doesn’t just write about traveller’s tales and experiences,
but gets into the very heart of the places he visits; the politics,
culture, religion and environment, and why the world is the way
it is.
Come with him on an adventure through five continents, and see
for yourself the realities of life and existence, in the many diverse
areas of our planet.
A search for truth and fulfilment, with some revealing and disturbing
conclusions and the trip can be as cheap as $2.99 or £2.29 on Amazon
Kindle; that’s excellent value. Have an exciting journey.

About the Author
Terry is a writer, world traveller, environmental and social campaigner, gardener and anti-natalist. He's worked in an animal sanctuary, a garden centre and plant nursery, various conservation projects and been involved in Green politics and charities.
For much of the past twenty-five years Terry has travelled across all the continents apart from Antarctica, spending many months and years on the road. He is currently writing the fourth volume of Terry's Travels about the Americas.
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relevant: popular world travel books