Backpacking With A Bunion

From Bangkok in Thailand to the island of Flores in Indonesia.
Nine countries over eighteen months in this amazing part of the world. Temples and festivals; hill-tribes and floating markets; smoking volcanoes and jungles; coral reefs and the warm tropical ocean.

The colours, intensity and vibrancy of the Orient. One day being in a nature documentary, the next in an adventure movie; another in a peaceful Buddhist Wat or chilled out on the beach. South-East Asia has all this and more.

Terry's Travels: Orcland to the Ottomans

The book takes the reader on a journey from New Zealand to Turkey.
From the Southern Alps to the Red Centre of Australia, through Laos, the Philippines, then the Hermit Kingdom and along the Silk Road to the home of the Ottomans.

It retraces the steps of traders, conquerors, adventurers and tourists alike and the soldiers of empires that are no more. The book concludes with the story of Gallipoli and the War to end all Wars, the nature of war, of human struggle and remembrance.

It is the first volume of a series about my world travels.